If there's one takeaway fromMy Hero Academia people should learn, it's that powers and abilities do not define a person. What defines a person is how they use their powers and abilities. That being said, Mineta isn't weird simply because he can lob sticky purple balls at opponents.

In most cases, it's because he is a creepy little horndog that lusts after every girl in the school. More often than not, he plays the uncomfortably familiar archetype of the pervert, and his obsession with girls has lead to some strange moments in the show. Among these instances, these are 10 of Mineta's weirdest moments.

10 Mineta Meets Nejire

my hero mineta creepy meeting nejire

Nejire Hado is not just one of the top-ranking students in U.A. but also one of the sweetest girls on the show. So much so that she doesn't realize that her innocent questions can be misconstrued by someone with a dirty mind. Such an incident occurred when she and her close friends were introduced to Class 1-A, and she asked Mineta about his balls of hair. As to be expected, Mineta got worked up thinking she was asking about a different set of balls. The weirdness stems from how overexcited he gets having a girl ask about his balls.

9 Freaking Out Over Showers & Laundry

my hero mineta laundry baths

To better protect the students and keep a closer eye on them, the staff decide to have Class 1-A live on campus and move them into the dorms. For many students, it's a strange new experience, but no one is more surprised by their new surroundings than Mineta.

He is particularly amazed to learn that the showers and laundry are easily accessible through the common area. From there it's easy to put together what's going on in his dirty little mind. Further cementing his reputation as a compulsive pervert.

8 Dirty Thoughts About the Word "Announcer"

my hero mineta drooling creepy

When someone has a twisted mind like Mineta, it's easy to make anything sound dirty. This was the case when he learned that a reporter was coming to the school to interview his class. In mere seconds, he's found a way to associate the word announcer with breasts. At least in the other instances, it was easier for Mineta to twist what was said with his dirty mind. In this case, however, it's a bit of a stretch. This begs the question of whether lewdness is Mineta's second Quirk.

7 Piggybacking Off Momo

momo mineta piggyback

At the start of the U.A Sports Festival, students raced to the stadium where the festival was held and the top forty-two students would advance to the next round. Surprisingly, Mineta was among the forty-two who reached the stadium and survived the obstacle course despite being one of the weaker students. What's not surprising is that he did so by clinging to Momo's back and letting her carry him for the second half. While it is a clever tactic, it's a little underhanded and strange seeing him hanging on to Momo's back. Still, there's no arguing that his tactic got results.

6 Scaling The Hot Spring Wall

mineta climbing wall drooling

Like all anime, the main cast winds up taking a trip to a hot springs resort. Naturally, hijinx ensue when Mineta scales the wall, motivated to get a peek at his bathing classmates. The crazed look in his eyes and the drool seeping out of his mouth is just as comedic as it is disturbing.

Mineta has never been one to hide his depravity but this moment shows just how desperate he is seeing the opposite sex undressed. Ultimately, his plan fails, he gets his comeuppance, and the audience is left with the jarring image of Mineta vigorously climbing for a glimpse at some fan service.

5 Luring Classmates Into His Room

minoru mineta mha

There are moments where it's best not to judge a book by its cover, but then there are also moments when someone just needs one look to know something is not right. Such a moment happens when Class 1-A shows off their bedrooms to be judged by their classmates. Mineta comes on too strong when inviting the girls to check his room who know better than to walk into that trap. Although the interior of his room is never seen, his uncomfortable beckoning gives enough subtext to know that no one should trust him. Especially the girls.

4 Perverted Zombie

mineta zombie perverted grab

An ongoing debate when it comes to zombies is whether the undead retains any semblance of their humanity when they turn or if they are lost forever. In the series's second OVA, Mineta is proof of the latter. Even when transformed into a zombie by Romero Fijimi's Quirk, his lust hasn't dwindled in the slightest. Seeing his desire for breasts overwhelm his innate desire to bite normal people is hilariously bizarre and could only happen inMy Hero Academia. Still, he's not the weirdest zombie out there.

3 Enjoying Toru's Scent

mineta excited by scent

Initially, the room presentation contest consisted solely of the boys' rooms until Mineta pointed out that it was unfair that the girls didn't get to show off their rooms. So the girls allowed the boys to inspect their room as well, providing Mineta with the chance to snoop around.

Arguably, the strangest and most disturbing moment is when he gets to Toru's room and heads straight to her dresser to savor the smell. Again, his perversions are played for laughs but seeing him sniff her clothes is a creepy sight. It's no wonder he's the least liked member of Class 1-A.

2 Outsmarting Midnight

mineta vs midnight mha

A lot of Mineta's scenes depict him as a sleazy horndog but he has the potential to be a great hero. Oddly enough, he displayed his potential during a test where he and Sero are partnered against the sadistic Midnight. It sounds like a quick match but Mineta displays a surprising amount of competency against the professional. Not only does he outsmart her using his Quirk but Mineta managed to carry out his teammate so they both passed. It's a rare instance where he isn't depicted solely as a lecherous creep. The fact that it isn't weird makes it weird for a character like Mineta.

1 Meeting Eri

mineta meeting eri

Mineta has done and said a lot of weird, creepy stuff to all sorts of women throughout the series but none of them compare what he says to Eri. For those who need a reminder, Eri is a seven-year-old girl who Izuku helped liberate from Overhaul. While Mineta doesn't do anything as horrible as what Overhaul did, the first words out of his mouth are about how he looks forward to seeing how she looks when she is older. It's one thing to call her cute or adorable but his choice of words makes it sound like he's already got his heart set on courting her once they are older. If he doesn't shape up, Mineta might go from hero to villain.

NEXT: My Hero Academia: 10 Pieces Of Eri Fan Art That Are Simply Adorable